Meet the Virtue Ministry team

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Stina Constantine

Founder of Virtue Ministry

Background: Stina is the founder and managing director of Virtue Ministry, workshop presenter and podcast host. She was born and raised a Norwegian and completed her Bachelor of Psychology and Master of Social work, in Australia. She is a trained Family & Relationships Counsellor, with close to 10years experience working with high conflict dynamics. With a full life, Stina is also a TAFE NSW Education Support Officer, and a former Young Female City Ambassador.

Virtue Goals: Stina’s passion is to walk with people in their healing journey and to help see other's uncover and live out their true potential in Jesus Christ. In founding, and now managing Virtue Ministry, Stina channels her creativity, enthusiasm for learning and zest for virtue, into her ministry.


Andrew Flores


Background: Born in Melbourne, Andrew was raised in Albury, NSW, and completed his Bachelors Degree in Education K-12, whilst working in Youth Ministry for three years. Growing up he learned to play the piano and continues to foster his interest in music especially the classical and sacred genres. He has sung in a number of choirs locally and interstate as well as having been blessed to tour Europe in 2016. Married a few years, Andrew and his wife Bernadette and their 3 daughters, reside in Albury, NSW where Andrew teaches.

Virtue Goals: Andrew brings a particular energy and enthusiasm — perhaps the result of his sport fanaticism — resulting in his own unique approach to Virtue Ministry. He wants to awaken the virtuous nature in everyone he meets and help them find their way to appreciate truth, goodness and beauty.


Emily Shaw

Writer & Graphic Designer

Background: Emily is a former ACPA award winning magazine editor now stay at home mum of eight and freelance journalist. Her work has been featured in a variety of media not only around Australia but also internationally writing on all things faith, parenting and craft. She brings close to 20 years of experience in media — print, online and social — as well as several years in active youth ministry including three years as the Diocesan Coordinator. Emily is married to her husband of 15 years, Ben, and together with their children currently live in The Rock.

Virtue Goals: Helping others to encounter and appreciate the beauty of virtue, and a Christ-based life, has always been Emily’s goal for her role with Virtue Ministry. Her writing and designs are crafted to inspire, uplift and encourage.

Grace Family


Prayer Team Coordinator

Background: Grace is originally from Barooga, NSW, and after a transformative experience at World Youth Day in her teens she decided to place her faith at the centre of her life. She has been active in youth and womens' ministry in a variety of parishes and universities since. She studied Medicine in Sydney and is now a qualified general practitioner. Over the years she has moved around a lot (having a total of over 20 different housemates, she thinks!) and now lives in Albury, NSW, with her husband, Sam, and daughter, Evangeline.

Virtue Goals: Having been a silent prayer warrior for Virtue Ministry from its beginning, she now uses her love of prayer coupled with her creative abilities to formally coordinate our prayer team. The graces flowing from the prayers of the prayer team act as a powerhouse for our ministry. She has a humble, yet profound way of seeing Christ in everyone she meets and serves, helping Virtue Ministry's mission to flourish.

Grace Feltoe Profile Pic

Grace Feltoe

Social Media and Marketing

Background: Grace is from Perth, WA, but is now living in Portugal, Europe. She is a piano teacher and sacred music specialist, being a professional soprano, cantor and choir director. She studied music at the University of Western Australia, and further completed a certificate in theology, specialising in the liturgy. She's also launched a sacred music website, Gloria Dei - the Musica Sacra project. Alongside this, Grace has previously been a lifestyle blogger and content creator, and was called to use those skills for Virtue Ministry and the glory of God.

Virtue Goals: Heavily immersed in the arts, Grace’s desire is to share what is authentically good, true and beautiful with those around her, whether through her creativity, or by personal connection – to build and support others in a flourishing community.

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