Support our mission


There are so many ways that you can support our mission, and we would be so grateful for your support in whichever way you feel called.


Prayer Partner

The success of any Christian ministry is heavily reliant on an army of prayer warriors. Join us in praying for Virtue Ministry to have a true and lasting impact on the people we encounter.


Feel as though you’re a kindred spirit to Virtue Ministry? Then we’d love to discuss ways in which your sponsorship could provide added graces to our ministry! A monetary donation would, in addition to being extremely generous and very much appreciated, help Virtue Ministry reach more people and, consequently, enable more people to discover their unrepeatability and become more fully themselves.

Share our work

Help us to spread the word by following us on social media! By sharing the content we post on Facebook and Instagram, or by sharing our blog posts, podcast episodes and YouTube videos with others, it helps us to reach more people.