Here is some kind feedback from people who have experienced Virtue Ministry's work.

I am so proud of Stina and everyone involved at Virtue Ministry! Virtue can feel like a lost word in our world today, and yet it holds so many answers! To have a movement in Australia dedicated to helping people strive for and live out virtue… we are so blessed! All of Australia, be sure to check this out!
Sarah Swafford, Emotional Virtue, Chastity Project Speaker & Author

I wholeheartedly endorse Virtue Ministry and its much needed impact in young people’s lives. VM provides participants with the opportunity to reflect on the virtues and inspires them to make positive resolutions that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.
Judi Limbers, Founder and CEO of AV Workshops

Over 5 years as CEO of Centacare South West NSW I had the pleasure of engaging with Stina and others from Virtue Ministry. A key goal of Virtue Ministry is to support people living virtuous lives in dialogue with the Catholic tradition and human experience. Stina and the team model the goals of Virtue Ministry in their lives and events like retreats. If you have an interest in exploring what it means to develop a deep friendship with Jesus and live authentically, then I commend Virtue Ministry to you.
Paul Jensen, Director of Mission and Formation – Centacare Brisbane
From Event Organisers
Andrew from Virtue Ministry came to our diocesan youth retreat and spoke to our young people about striving to be the best version of themselves, by progressing in virtue through habit formation and the grace of Jesus Christ. The presentation was engaging and practical so that our youth became armed with the knowledge and skills to develop a virtuous character, and left them with the certainty that the grace of the holy spirit was not an optional extra in the pursuit for virtue, but an absolute necessity.
Fr Sean Byrnes, Youth Chaplain of the Wagga Wagga Diocese.
Our Student Representative Council decided to invite Stina in to speak with our Years 2-6 students about how to be confident and effective public speakers, in preparation for their own public speaking presentations.
Stina’s session was engaging and full of insights into her life and the journey that had led her to supporting our local community. Our staff and students were captivated by her interactive presentation. Stina encouraged our students to be courageous and take on opportunities that would extend themselves and help them to contribute positively to their friends, family, peers and community.
During her presentation, Stina shared many useful tips about connecting with an audience. The session was run as a mini workshop, with opportunities for students to practise and perform the suggestions she shared, in front of their peers.
Stina’s warm, charismatic and personable nature was well-received by our staff and students and we would welcome her back anytime.
Assistant Principal, Local Public School
It was both inspiring and edifying to see my students so courageous and joyful to share with each other. The women’s talk was packed with true, good and beautiful ideas, and presented on a level that was relevant to young people. A delight to be a part of!
Jessica Godwin, teacher from Victoria.
This talk surpassed all my expectations. I was really touched by the joy with which the content was delivered. The joy and love was contagious!
Claudia Pook, Diocesan Youth Worker
Stina was really friendly and made an impact. I loved all the virtue stories. It really reminded me of the power of looking at women as sisters.
Senior Primary School Student, Girls Camp
Stina is extremely good at talking to groups of people, and I liked her perspective. I learned that I am worth the life of Christ. It was a beautiful talk that went at just the right pace for me to absorb it all.
High School Student, Girls Camp
We heard a talk about friendship that helped me see the impact of toxic friendships, what to do about it, and how to be a better friend that builds other people up. I thought it was really insightful and inspirational.
University Students, Charles Sturt University
I thought this workshop was going to be another session on being prepared for university and uni life. Instead I gained knowledge about Virtue, habits and behaviours and about being a real community leader. It was really engaging, empowering and thought provoking.
University Student, Charles Sturt University
After hearing the Virtue Ministry talk, my mates and I really came away with the fact that people are not objects. They deserve to be loved and respected for who they are. Nobody should have to feel pressured into being someone they are not or doing things that are beneath their human dignity in order to be loved. True love is self-giving and not self-gratifying. We felt that this is so important today because so many people are left feeling broken and empty as a result
Three Young Men, Seminary Students from NSW