Advent Reflection 2023 from our prayer co-ordinator, Grace Morey
Back at Bethlehem
Mary and Joseph sit side-by-side in their peaceful, humble home. It’s quiet, with Jesus now old enough to set out on his own. Mary turns to her beloved spouse and asks:
“Remember, back at Bethlehem?
It seems like yesterday, yet so much has happened since
We were both younger then
Our bodies nimbler
Remember the smells – straw, feathers, fur, droppings
Humble beginnings
We stayed awake all night, not wanting to take our eyes off our little Jesus
We made-do in the stable, and rested on the floor
Our precious babe, and Saviour King
He was so tiny, so helpless
So beautiful
His skin wrinkled and pink
No loud cries, but little squeaks now and then
I held him so close, skin-to-skin
He nursed – finding nourishment and comfort
We found ourselves in utter awe of God’s design
Our hearts were filled with supernatural boldness, bravery, trust that God was with us
Our hearts burned with love
He gave us the grace to be willing to surrender to whatever happened next.”
“Yes Mary, I remember…”
When was your Bethlehem?
When was Jesus first born into your heart, your life?
Was it at a World Youth Day vigil? When you were younger and nimbler? When you walked and walked to get there? Rolled out your sleeping bag, happy to make-do and sleep on the ground? Was it when, struck by the preciousness of the Faith, you were in utter awe of God’s design and given the grace to be willing to surrender to Him and to whatever happened next?
Was it in the Adoration Chapel, where you spent hours on your knees? When your body was younger? Was it when you wanted to stay awake all night and never leave His presence – so beautiful? Filled with trust that He was with you?
Was it in that heated yet graced discussion with a radiant brother in Christ? The two of you talking back and forth, learning and questioning? When the Holy Spirit shed light and led you to the Truth? Light being poured out into the corners of your heart that you hadn’t known were dark? Your heart burning with love?
As we journey towards Christmas, when Jesus is reborn
We are taken back to Bethlehem
To the House of Bread
To be nourished and comforted with the grace from the place where our hungry souls were first fed
Humble beginnings indeed
Let us pray to be taken back to the place where our personal Saviour, and Saviour of the whole world, was born
God’s grace working outside of time
Take us back Lord, to where it all began
To where you were first born in our lives and our hearts burned with love
Back to our first love
Nourish and comfort us
Fan the fire into a flame again
Shed Your light
Convert us anew
Be reborn in us
Remember, back at Bethlehem?
Yours in Jesus,
Grace Morey.