Join Stina and Padre as they dive into the wisdom of living in the present, inspired by the words of Mother Teresa: “Each moment is all we need, not more.”
Tag: virtue
S06 Ep15 – Does God REALLY give his hardest battles to his toughest soldiers?
In this episode, Stina and Padre tackle the challenging notion of “God gives his hardest battles to his toughest soldiers.” They explore the complexities of suffering and what it truly means to carry our crosses.
S06 Ep 14: The Cost of Caring: Selflessness vs. People Pleasing
In this thought-provoking episode, Stina and Padre delve into the delicate balance between selflessness and people-pleasing.
S06 Ep13 – Patience in Progress: Why True Virtue Can’t Be Rushed – Pt 3 of Book Study
We discuss three key themes on the journey to peace and virtue – on compassionate presence in others’ suffering, balancing patience with expectations, and why we shouldn’t rush our growth in virtue.
Together Paper – Virtue and Vocation: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Emily Shaw wrote for the October Together Paper – sharing how vocation and virtue are interconnected and the closer we draw to Christ the greater we understand our calling and unrepeatability.
What Is Your Judas Point?
Emily draws a parallel on Judas’ struggles and behaviour with our own modern time, and how the importance of prudence, fortitude and discernment can come into play to lead us to the truth.
S06 Ep07 – The Dreaded Virtue – Modesty
Stina and Padre explore the virtue of modesty, digging into its roots in Scripture and its practical applications in daily life.
S06 Ep03 – Is Complaining a Sin?
In this episode, Padre and Stina discuss whether complaining is a sin? Plus further discussion on levels of severity of complaining, and its effects on our own mentality and spirituality.
Together Paper – Forming Our Children Continues Our Own Formation
For August edition of Together Magazine Emily shares how even if we haven’t fully pulled the log out of our own eye, in forming our children well we can provide steps and strategies to form ourselves better in the process.
A Post on Prudence that Would be Prudent to Peruse
Known as the ‘mother’ of all virtues, Emily shares what prudence is in its full form and practical ways to approach applying more prudence in our lives.