In this thought-provoking episode, Stina and Padre delve into the delicate balance between selflessness and people-pleasing.
Podcast Notes
S06 Ep13 – Patience in Progress: Why True Virtue Can’t Be Rushed – Pt 3 of Book Study
We discuss three key themes on the journey to peace and virtue – on compassionate presence in others’ suffering, balancing patience with expectations, and why we shouldn’t rush our growth in virtue.
S06 Ep12: Book Study Pt 2 – Beyond Control: Embracing Abandonment for Lasting Peace
Stina and Padre unpack the link between trust, surrender, and true inner peace. They explore how fear and self-reliance keep us restless and why true peace comes from trusting God’s providence.
S06 Ep11 – Interior Peace w/ Fr Jacques Philippe – Inner Calm, Outer Chaos: Finding Peace with God’s Grace – Pt 1
Stina and Padre dive into another book study with Fr Jacques Philippe: Searching for and Maintaining Peace, exploring what it really means to find inner calm in a chaotic world.
S06 Ep10 – Generosity: A Fruit of the Spirit and a Virtue
In this episode Stina and Padre dive into the virtue of generosity, as a fruit of the spirit how it stems from justice and exploring how it reflects God’s character and how we can cultivate it in our daily lives.
S06 Ep09 – Yoga, Stretching, and the Christian Faith: Where’s the Line?
Stina and Padre explore the difference between yoga and stretching, shedding light on why yoga, as a spiritual practice, and other spiritual practices and items are incompatible with Christian beliefs.
S06 Ep08 – Pre-Nuptial Agreements: A Christian Perspective
We delve into the topic of pre-nuptial agreements (prenups) and how they align (or don’t) with the Christian understanding of marriage.
S06 Ep07 – The Dreaded Virtue – Modesty
Stina and Padre explore the virtue of modesty, digging into its roots in Scripture and its practical applications in daily life.
S06 Ep06 – Intimate partner violence and the icon of marriage
Stina and Padre delve into the sensitive and complex topic of family separation, particularly in the context of domestic violence.
S06 Ep05 – Overcoming Discernment Paralysis with Prudence and Fortitude
In this episode of Living Fullness, Stina and Padre tackle the concept of “discernment paralysis,” a state where overthinking, planning, and hesitating leave us stuck instead of moving forward.