We are welcoming back the Virtue Challenge, and we’d like to invite you to come join us on this journey of growth. Each month we will be focusing on a new virtue, and on cultivating that virtue in our lives.
To live a virtuous life, means to live out love excellently and that is not something that comes easily, or without effort. It requires knowledge, awareness, practice, consistency, and faith to grow in the virtues. If you think you have what it takes to take the plunge, follow our social media for our monthly challenge.
Here are some practical steps.
1. Learn
Peruse our social media for inspiration each month on the new Virtue and have a read of our regular articles. Also do your own reading of the virtue of the month and particular holy people who went before us who embodied that virtue well.
2. Get yourself an accountability Partner
Ask someone you respect that has qualities you admire to become your accountability partner for the challenge. Their job will be to pray for you, be a sounding board, give you support and even guidance if necessary. Someone who will tell it to you straight if you’re in denial about your growth or lack thereof but also be cheering you on to get up and keep going.
3. Set smart habit goals
Be very specific about the type of new habit you want to begin to practice as you move towards cultivating the virtue of the month, and add a cue or a trigger that will help you automate that behaviour. Eg. If you’re going to work on patience with a co-worker, be specific about what patience will look like. Maybe its about not becoming visibly frustrated internally when they exhibit a frustrating behaviour, and decide what you will do instead of that frustration. Maybe you decide to count, take deep breaths, or think about something that brings you joy AND create a cue to help you remember the new habit you’re forming. That cue could be the front door of your work place, or when you turn your car engine off in the carpark, or when you walk past a certain point in your office. Make learning the new habit as easy as you can on yourself.
Pray, pray, pray. The final step isn’t prayer because it’s the last step on this journey. It’s the final step because it’s the one I want you to remember the most clearly. Unlike regular habit formation, the virtues aren’t meaningless actions, they are the ways in which we live out Love towards God and neighbour in the most excellent of ways. It’s a calling and pathway to holiness – we cannot do this on our own strength. This requires grace, so ask for it. Be bold in the virtues you pursue, and in the way you pray God grant you the help you need to live out the life he has called you to.
While you’re on that journey, know we’re here praying for you too.
We would love to hear how you go with the challenge. Send us a message and tag us in your pursuit.

Written by
Stina Constantine