Tag: elise

Our mission of mercy

‘Mercy is something that’s unfathomable until you experience it. It obliterates the walls of ‘justice’ and ‘fairness’ we construct in our human minds and builds them back up with a Divine plan in mind – to get us all to Heaven.’
Elise writes about the impact of being shown mercy as a child Vs the need to show mercy to each other as adults, so that we become more open to and aware of God’s Divine Mercy.

Reaching new depths

Reaching new depths At Virtue Ministry, we have been given the challenge to focus on a weekly word and scripture passage to apply to our life. Like any spiritual challenge, we often only can get out what we put in, but sometimes that requires guidance or hearing the experiences of […]

Giving Unwanted Forgiveness

Giving Unwanted Forgiveness Forgiveness is something so many people struggle with. For some, it’s over small things. For others, it’s over significant things that few people could truly say they would be able to forgive. Recently, I read a book by a Holocaust survivor called Eddie whose message was that […]

Be not afraid

Be Not Afraid Growing up, I didn’t believe in Santa Claus. But I still got to experience the disappointment of Christmas magic not being quite what I thought it was.  “He’s here!” we’d yell with excitement, not even noticing the gifts under the tree.  Each year, my family set up […]

The thing we wish for

We’ve all played this game before.
“If a genie appeared before you right now and granted you three wishes, what would you wish for?”
We all like to think we’d make a good call. And although the genie is hypothetical, often we find ourselves saying (to others or to ourselves): “If I just had … things would be ok” or “… I’d be a better person”
Or “… I’d be a good Christian”

Being the Christian friend

As Christians in our daily life, it’s easy to be critical of our secular modern world. It can leave a lot to be desired when we see so many people treat each other so poorly and passionately deny our God. Some – even those we thought were our friends – […]

Emily likens Hope to a bird

This poem is one of the most famous pieces of work by Emily Dickinson. Emily was an American woman whose creative talents weren’t revealed to the world until after her death. Her words are so reflective and honest about her experience of Hope that they might be just what people […]

Lady Justice

Like so many before us, we deal with many injustices in our daily lives. They’re in the community we live in, our workplaces and our relationships. Sometimes, they are small ones that build up and just make our day unpleasant and put us in a bad mood. Some will be […]

Just keep swimming

Last year, I got my first job in hospitality at a café. It was a busy café with friendly staff but lots of customers and lots of tasks for me to do. Despite being familiar with how a kitchen worked and finding it easy to serve people, I made many […]